Hyland Hall construction project a 'state model' for sustainability

July 24, 2008

The new College of Business and Economics building was recognized as a state model for building recycling efforts during a talk and tour on the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus Wednesday, July 23. The university’s best recycling practices and commitment to sustainability were the focus of the event, which was hosted by WasteCap Wisconsin.

Private contractors, state agencies and architectural and engineering firms participated in the talk and tour, which included a visit to the Timothy J. Hyland Hall job site.

"UW-Whitewater’s commitment to sustainability is reflected by the success of the Hyland Hall construction project in minimizing the amount of construction waste that is actually landfilled," Randy Marnocha, vice chancellor for administrative affairs, said. "Being chosen as a site to host WasteCap Wisconsin’s Talk and Tour Series is an honor provided only to projects with the most successful waste reduction strategies. The joint efforts between the university, the Division of State Facilities, Miron Construction and WasteCap Wisconsin deserve commendation."

The UW-Whitewater building project, managed by Miron Construction, was the winner of WasteCap’s 2007 Big Diverter Award in the demolition category for the highest recycling rate (98 percent) of demolition waste. Miron recycled concrete, brick, wood, cans, bottles and office paper from three residence halls that were removed to make room for Timothy J. Hyland Hall.

"We take great pride in having our Hyland Hall building project recognized for sustainable practices " especially at a time when the college has identified sustainable business as a strategic priority in our curriculum," Christine Clements, dean of the College of Business and Economics, said. "Hyland Hall will be recognized as a "state model’ for building recycling efforts which will become an important part of our college legacy and a symbol of our values."


Sara Kuhl