Post-Tenure Review

Source: Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

The purpose of Post-Tenure Review (Tenured Faculty Review and Development) is to assure that the talents of each faculty member are being utilized in ways that best serve the interests of the students, the institution, the academic discipline and the individual. It is recognized that the interest and expertise of the individual faculty member may change during the course of a career, so tenured faculty could, when appropriate, encourage and assist faculty to adjust the mix and balance of commitments among the evaluation categories of teaching, research and other scholarly activities, and service.

  1. Post-Tenure Review will occur every four years and will be scheduled to coincide with the end of the merit period.
  2. Units will provide an assessment of the faculty member's professional development proposal and accomplishments. If specific needs for improvement are identified, a plan for this purpose will be developed jointly by the faculty member and the unit. A standard university report form will be used.
  3. Data gathered for use in merit reviews will also be used in the Post-Tenure Review process. Additional data may be submitted for the tenured faculty review.
  4. Tenured faculty reviews are the responsibility of the tenured faculty of each unit.
  5. Tenured faculty review reports shall be forwarded first to the dean for review and then to the provost for review. The original review report and all subsequent responses shall be included in the faculty member's personnel file.
  6. Decisions that result from a tenured faculty review may be appealed by the faculty member to the Faculty Appeals Committee.

As Approved by Faculty Senate December 13, 1994 & Reviewed January 2015