Source: Office of the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Affairs

Normally, anyone having personal property on campus or property used in projects off campus is expected to provide his own insurance coverage on such property. Under certain circumstances the University may accept responsibility of a limited nature for equipment while it is in the University's care. You should contact the Office of Risk Management & Safety if you have questions concerning the propriety of considering insurance coverage for non-owned property.

Property from outside organizations being used by the University may have specific requirements regarding the University's responsibility for the equipment. If a formal lease or contract is not in effect or if the requirements for the responsibility are not specific, the University may accept responsibility for the items on a loan basis by a request from the unit supervisor. The form "Coverage Request of Borrowed Items" contains the necessary information for insuring those borrowed items. A copy of this form is available in the Forms Downloading Area.

It is highly desirable, but not mandatory, to have the owner co-sign the request to prevent any misunderstanding of the extent of responsibility and coverage.

Coverage would become effective when the request is received and approved in the Office of Risk Management & Safety. Additional blank copies of the form are available in the Office of Risk Management & Safety.

As amended 12 May 2003
Last Reviewed: October 2015