First Year Experience
Career explorer learning community

Career Explorers

Not sure where to start in choosing a major? Have too many interests to pick just one? Have a career in mind but not sure how to get there?

Become a Career Explorer! This Learning Community will work together to explore interests, abilities, strengths, and skills; discover major opportunities, career paths, and job market prospects; build connections and address challenges; and develop academic and personal goals. You will have opportunities to engage academically and civically through coursework and experiences that will expand horizons, challenge assumptions, and prepare you for the journey ahead.

Who can I live with if I join this Learning Community?

  • You can live with anyone who has a room assignment in Tutt Hall

Available For:

  • All students who have yet to declare a major


  • Tutt Hall

Learning Community Coordinator

Chris Bornhuetter



First Year Experience Office
UC 245
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
800 W. Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190

Contact Us

Phone: (262) 472-3205