Jennifer Betters-Bubon
Clinical Interests 
I hold licenses in both school and professional counseling. As such, I am passionate about creating spaces where all individuals can thrive. My research interest is focused on the role of the school counselor within multi-tiered systems of support (e.g., PBIS, RTI) with a specific interest in removing barriers that impact K-12 students’ social/emotional, academic and career development. To that end, I have written/edited two books that focus on these efforts–The School Counselor’s Guide to MTSS and Making MTSS Work.
About Me
My interests outside of school include spending time with family; yoga, biking, and walking my dog, Mae :)
Favorite Quote:
Come to the Edge by Christopher Logue
Come to the edge.
We might fall
Come to the edge.
It’s too high!
Come to the edge!
And they came
And we pushed
And they flew.
Winther 6039
(262) 472-1886