Center for Inclusive Transition, Education, & Employment (CITEE)

Jonathan I. Cloud

Planning and Management Consultant

Jonathan has thirty-three years of human services experience. He has worked in the fields of community organizing, mental health, child protective services, foster care, youth development, and juvenile justice. In these areas, he performed case management, administrative, and program design and development duties. His career has included strategic initiatives in youth outreach, family support, community change, child abuse prevention, foster care reform, juvenile justice reform, and disaster recovery. He began consulting in 1992. Some highlights of his consulting work are as follows: 


  • National Council on Crime and Delinquency: Field study of programs that identified and documented best practices in prosecution, community policing, prevention, and neighborhood revitalization.
  • Texas Governor’s Office: Training and technical assistance to plan and support a regional Gun Violence Reduction Initiative.
  • S. Department of Justice Project Safe Neighborhoods: Training and technical assistance to multiple jurisdictions across the United States.
  • Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice: Developed plan for redesigning the manner in which the state planned and allocated funding for juvenile delinquency prevention.
  • S. Department of Justice Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders: Training and technical assistance to communities for preventing and collaboratively addressing juvenile offending.
  • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: Training and technical assistance on protecting victims of child sex trafficking and building school-community safety partnerships.
  • National Office of Justice Programs: Subject matter expert for engagements designed to prevent and reduce juvenile crime and delinquency.
  • Outagamie County Division of Youth and Family Services: Assistance in improving efforts to reduce disproportionate minority contact; assistance with efforts to integrate the child welfare and juvenile justice responses to dual status youth; technical support to the Region 2 Anti-Human Trafficking Hub funded by the Department of Children and Families.
  • Georgia Governor’s Office for Children and Families/Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council: Consultation, technical support, and training for their Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children initiative; provision of training and technical assistance on trauma-informed care to domestic violence grantees.
  • Behavioral Health Training Partnership – University of Wisconsin, Green Bay: Training to multiple jurisdictions on crisis planning for human service agencies and schools.
  • Community Care, Inc.: Development and delivery of training on providing trauma sensitive care to adults with complex behavioral health challenges.
  • Wisconsin Department of Children and Families & Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System: Assistance with development of intake worker training curriculum.
  • National Criminal Justice Training Center: Training to communities on developing collaborative responses to child sex trafficking.


Jonathan has provided trainings on numerous topics and delivered keynote addresses for conferences across the country. He is the author of Parenting the Guardian Class: Validating Spirited Youth, Ending Adolescence, and Renewing America’s Greatness, which argues for empowering youth rather than controlling them. His higher education includes BA degrees in Religion and Psychology and graduate studies in Public Administration and Social Work.

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Center for Inclusive Transition, Education, & Employment (CITEE)
Community Engagement Center
1260 W. Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190


Qualified Treatment Trainee (QTT):

Now Is The Time:

Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC):



Phone: (262) 472-1702

Fax: (262) 472-4116