Sufac logo at UW-Whitewater



What is SUFAC? Take a look at a student bill sometime. Ever notice the line at the bottom that says "student segregated fees"? What does that mean? These fees fund a number of activities, programs, and student organizations on campus. (For a breakdown of these fees, see our SUFAC Policy.)That's the 'SUF', but what about the 'AC'? It stands for Allocation Committee, which decides how those segregated university fees are spent. The committee consists of eight students; one from each of the UW-Whitewater colleges and three from Whitewater Student Government (WSG), and two staff advisors; one from Student Affairs and the other from the Budget Office. Together they review SUF requests and submit a budget for WSG, the Chancellor, and ultimately the UW System Board of Regents to approve.

In order to utilize these funds, you will need to submit a SUF budget request to SUFAC for review and approval.  The request process takes place in the fall of the year PRIOR to spending (for example, allocation requests for the 2024-2025 school year are submitted in October of 2023).

Committee Representatives for the 2023-2024 Academic Year:
Whitewater Student Government Presidential Appointment - Katie Caporale, Vice Chair 
Whitewater Student Government 2-year Appointment - Vacant
Whitewater Student Government 1-year Appointment - Vacant
College of Arts and Communication Representative - Nicole Kuhnz, Vice Chair for Educational Outreach
College of Business and Economics Representative - Lucas tePlate
College of Education and Professional Studies Representative - Julia Hassan
College of Graduate Studies Representative - MJ Bernhardt
College of Letters and Sciences Representative - Zach Preiser
Advisor (Student Affairs Representative)  - Kimberly Clarksen
Advisor (Budget Representative)- Nicole Cervantes

Representatives are selected, per the SUFAC Policy, as follows:

  • WSG 1 and 2-year Appointments - selected by WSG Senate
  • WSG Presidential Appointment - selected by WSG President
  • College Representatives - selected by the Deans of each College